Sunday, June 19, 2016

This just in ... [Insert Fanfare} Mazl tov Bernadette! This Year Takes Mountain Of Laughs Comedy Festival ... Next Year BAFTAs

Fiddler on the Roof: Breaking News ...

Look who brought home "Best Music” at the Mountain of Laughs Comedy Festival with “Is That A Real Gun?”  [And I didn’t even sing back-up or play my recorder from 4th grade in the film]  YAY!!! Congrats Bernadette!! Mazl tov!!!!!!! 

See notes below! 

I’m sure many of you are worried, now that we are working with a luminary in the film industry, but Bernadette has assured me that she will not let her new found stardom distract from the show. And after carefully & ruthlessly negotiating with her agent, Bernadette has agreed to selflessly to continue-on as stage manger. I did somehow finagled her to agree to taking selfies with cast & crew members. We are still working on negotiations relating to autographs … so please stay tuned. 

There were however a few stipulations for her to agree to the “selfie meet & greet': 
1) Everyone must show up on time (& Incase you missed the Susan’s 3 emails & Bernadette’s & you still need your call time I’ve included it at the bottom - honestly, I just didn’t want to feel left out by not sending it to you) 
2) Everyone must know their lines 
3) Everyone must know their blocking(& remember a “V” it looks like, well it looks like that back there ⏎, it can also look like this “<“ or this “>” or this “^” … but mainly this “V”) 
4) Everyone must focus & remember to give each other space for chemistry to appear in to its element [<- amp="" barium="" but="" can="" chemistry="" couldn="" crack="" div="" element="" get="" help="" i="" in="" it="" its="" last="" m="" me="" myself="" nbsp="" on="" one="" periodically="" poor="" puns="" really="" should="" so="" sorry="" t="" take="" tell="" that="" them="" these="" they="" up="">
4.B) Remember like I said …Focus. Focusing is key! As is staying quite … so focusing & silence are key(s) [to what lost city - well that’s a riddle that has yet to be solved] Moving on ...
5) Everyone must know their motivation (internally so that we see it externally) 
6) Everyone must know the name of that man who parted the Red Sea 

If all these stipulations are met by every cast member — then we have a deal & your can share your wonderful meet & greet experiences to the entire world via social media. I know this is a lot to take in, but just breathe, you can do this!  

If you’re starting to get a bit nervous about working with a famous person (I.e. Bernadette)  I’ve included a few tips/guidelines.

Things to remember when working with a star:
Like a feral animal - a person graced by new found fame can sometimes startle easily.
  • So please approach with caution & never from directly behind them 
  • No flash photography - as for reasons stated above & because it has been linked to the provocation of an attack 
  • Never make direct eye contact [especially if one is in alpha mode - the animal I mean]
  • Speak softly & calmly -  but get to the point
  • If the aristocracy smiles at you - smile back [If an animal smiles at you, particularly primates - it means you probably broke guideline #3 & now you should run ... run away fast! As you should never be able to count the number a teeth an animal has] 
  • Always be polite & remember to thank them for their generosity for allowing you to stand in their presence [or for not eating you, if it is actually a wild animal]
If you follow those simple tips - you stand a fairly good chance of walking away unscathed from your encounter & a decent selfie.  

Break legs today - just not each others! 

Your local polymath of human & wildlife interaction,