"Strength for Soldiers" Needs YOUR Help!!! ASAP!
I just started a non-profit organization called "Strength for Soldiers", and it's purpose it to help raise money for devotional books for deployed soldiers and helps assists deployed chaplain’s with items they may need. Currently the chaplain's are requesting a certain devotional book called Strength for Service to God and Country. The book is from Cokesbury and I've talked to the manager and he has agreed to sell the books to us for $5.00 a piece!
Strength for Service to God and Country is a book of devotions designed for those in military service, firefighters, police officers, and others in service to their country. The new edition contains 365 devotions written by leading Protestant ministers in 1942, along with 40 new contributions from leaders of other faith groups, including Jewish, Islamic, and Roman Catholic.
I need your help raising money for this cause! I'm not asking for money from you, but rather if you know of a place where I could come speak to try & raise money! It could be your church, your business, or your local coffee group! I'll be happy to meet you anywhere to answer any questions you may have! Although if you would like to send money we won't turn it down OR if you & your church, business, or friends would like to get together & just buy some devotional books that would be amazing too! Remember every donation is a TAX DEDUCTION!
If you would like to make a donation - here's how to do it!
Checks should be made out to "Strength For Soldiers" and mailed to! Please leave a return address so I can send you a receipt & a thank you note! :)
Strength for Soldiers
209 Sweet Briar Lane
Prattville, Al 36067