Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Working behind the scenes ...

Have you ever been driving in your car and a song comes on and it's like your all time favorite and you have heard it a million times, but for the first time today you actually listen to the words. And it hits you, you feel like your a person in a movie driving down the road (you know with that background music they always have) and you finally start to notice things. It doesn't matter what it is, but for the first time in a long time you are actually paying attention to what is going on around you. And then you see something and you realize that you have never really looked at this in that way before, and for some reason it seems to be the most beautiful things you have seen ... in a long time (and no I'm not talking about God's gorgeous creation sitting in the next lane over stopped at the red light), but something flawless. And you realize that it was all there before man was ever thought about. And you start to imagine God playing all these rolls in the biggest production ever. I mean technically he is the director and producer of this show (meaning life). And I wonder if what we are faced with everyday isn't God's way of working behind the scenes. You know seeing what we are really made of, and to prepare us for our "production". This just leaves me with one thing ... how is God working behind the scenes in your life?


Blogger Monk said...

Hey, I'mcool: why haven't you posted your picture yet?

7:21 AM  
Blogger Audra said...

hey I downloaded flickr and all that but evrytime i tried to copy the HTML thing for my pic it always said "illegal entry" or something like that and wouldnt let me upload it to my profile ~!~ lol ~!~ I habe to worst luck with computers (maybe its cuz idk what Im doing) lol ~!~

12:29 AM  

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